August 6, 2023: Fellows Welcome Picnic

Left to right: Jason Moore, Sierra Tackett, Edva Noel, Samer Talib, Arnab Chowdhury, Matt O’Donnell, Gitouf Elnema, Lori Shutter

A picnic was held Sunday, August 6 at Mellon Park Shelter to welcome our newest trainees to the CCM family. The day was a great way for faculty members and fellows to get to know each other and their families outside of the ICU.

Gitouf Elnema and her daughter Farah

We have 20 new fellows joining us in programs in Critical Care Medicine/Internal Medicine, Neurocritical Care, Surgical Critical Care, and Pediatric Critical Care.

Let to right: Kaley El-Arab, Amelia Morgan, Jess Lee